Great Gaut!

Record numbers – for this century! – are entering League competitions this season as it enjoys a welcome post pandemic bounce.

Interest in the Harris and Ashton Cups is up and there were 20 entries in the Over-60 Merit at Donnington Wood on Saturday 20th May – the highest number since the comp was launched in 2016.

A sunshine day sure helped and the bowler who finished the day most tanned was Ian Gaut (see Competiton News for full scores).

The former League secretary, made a Life Member in 2020, triumphed at one his former haunts and is pictured after getting his hands on the Ray & Jeff Hutchinson Trophy.

League chiefs now hope for increased interest in the next event, the Junior Day – with Under-18 Merit, Under-15 Merit and Fletcher Doubles – on Saturday 24th June from 11am, venue tbc by organiser Rob Burroughs.