Help Needed

Your county needs you!

Shropshire Crown Green Bowling Association is searching for a new treasurer and safeguarding officer for 2023.

And all affiliated leagues have been asked to advertise the vacancies via their publicity outlets to help spread the word and find new recruits.

“Both of these positions are vital to the running of the Shropshire Crown Green Bowling Association and we would appreciate your support circulating the posts available,” said county secretary Dawn Gray.

Find below the job description for the vacant SCGBA Treasurer role:.

Treasurer Job Description – Oct 2022

And also find below the job description for the vacant SCGBA Safeguarding Officer role:

Safeguarding Officer Job Description

If you would like to apply or know more, please contact SCGBA Chairman Phil Scott on 07946 478299 or 01948 820757, or email on [email protected]

The good news is that a change of heart  means the county does not have to search for a new competition secretary too.

Mike Potter’s year as County President will end at February’s AGM on Saturday 6th February at Sinclair BC and he had previously announced that the wished to stand as county comps sec at the same time.

But MSBL President Mike told the latest county executive meeting that, having received pleas to continue in charge of comps, he would now stand for re-election, despite having suffered a couple of recent health scares.