The Under 25 Merit will take place on Wednesday at Donnington Wood at 6.30 p.m. as we have 8 entries at the moment. I am happy to take entries till the end of today if anyone else wishes to enter with Rob Burroughs on 07901 229623.
Author: Rob Burroughs
Pictures from Dixon & Driscoll Doubles
Please find below pictures from our President Mike Potter which he kindly took at the Dixon & Driscoll Doubles.
Senior Merit Deadline in one week!
The deadline for the Senior Merit is at the end of Friday 10th May. The qualifiers take place on Friday 17th May at four venues at 6.30 p.m. The final 16 will be on Friday 28th June at 6.30 p.m. at a two green venue. Dress code will apply only in the final 16. Entries… Continue reading Senior Merit Deadline in one week!
Dixon & Driscoll Doubles Report
Sally King and Nat Moseley won the 2024 Dixon and Driscoll Doubles after beating Jamie & Phil King 13. They were 7-0 down before going 9-7 up and from 13-12 down they ran out with some excellent bowling. The Wrockwardine Wood pairing had come out on top of 24 pairings, 8 higher than last year… Continue reading Dixon & Driscoll Doubles Report
Under 25 Merit in two weeks!
The Under 25 Merit is looking to take place on Wednesday 8th May at Donnington Wood at 6.30 p.m. Any player under 25 on 1st January this year can enter. Entry costs £5 and no dress code is in operation. Entries need to be in by Monday 6th May as I would like at least… Continue reading Under 25 Merit in two weeks!
Dixon and Driscoll Doubles on Sunday!
The Dixon and Driscoll Doubles are taking place on Sunday at Allscott Heath Bowling Club at 10 a.m. Players can enter on the day or enter with Rob Burroughs on 07901 229623. The finals will be played on the grass green, with potentially some prelims on the artificial green. The rule for playing in these… Continue reading Dixon and Driscoll Doubles on Sunday!
Dixon & Driscoll Doubles in two weeks!
The Dixon and Driscoll doubles will take place in two weeks time on Sunday 28th April at Allscott Heath Bowling Club. The finals will take place on the grass green now due to them running a competition on the other green the day before. There may be some preliminary games on the other artificial green… Continue reading Dixon & Driscoll Doubles in two weeks!
Individual Competition Dates
Please find the 2024 Individual Competition Dates below. Entries can be made before the day to Rob Burroughs on 07901 229623 or by email to [email protected] Please note the Merit dates changed as it would fit better into the fixtures if we had these dates instead of the old ones. Dixon and Driscoll Doubles –… Continue reading Individual Competition Dates
Junior Day Details
The 2024 Mid Shropshire Junior Day takes place at Albrighton Bowling Club from 10 a.m. on Saturday 22nd June. The Under 15 and 18 Merits will be run that day, along with possibly the Fletcher Junior Doubles if there is time left to do so. Entries can be taken on the day or with Rob… Continue reading Junior Day Details
Mid Shropshire Individual Competitions
Please find below some of the dates for our Individual Competitions. The dates for the Senior, Monday and Thursdays Merits will be decided once the structure of the leagues are decided at the March Meeting. The Under 25 Merit date will be confirmed by the March meeting. The competitions below are enter on the day,… Continue reading Mid Shropshire Individual Competitions