Over 60s Merit Report

Ian Gaut won the 2023 Over 60s Merit after beating Pete Spragg 21-13 in the final. He always led after going 7-0 up and Pete tried to fightback but couldn’t put two ends together as Ian kept finding bowls to halt any momentum. From 13-4 up they traded ends till Pete scored two singles to make it 19-13 but then Ian found the two he needed next end.

Thank you to Donnington Wood for use of their green and for the support of their members measuring and marking, as well as everyone who helped do those two jobs.

Please find below the reports of the previous rounds.

Pictures are to follow later on another post.

Semi Finals

Ian Gaut was 4-2 down early against Steve Faulkner but then went 9-4 and 15-6 up. He went on to win 9.

Pete Spragg from 6-1 up on Louise Cotton was always in control to win 10.

Quarter Finals

Steve Faulkner went 13-8 down on Ian Evans and then 16-12 adrift. But then he ran out.

Ian Gaut raced 13-1 up on Steve Hendy and despite Steve scoring two singles he ran out to win 3.

Pete Spragg trailed Keith Pessall 12-6 early on but then went 14-12 up. It was close until 16 across when Pete ran out.

Louise Cotton was 7-0 up on Bill Grainger but Bill got back to 10 across. She then went 20-10 up before Bill got back to 15 but she then finished it off.

1st Round

Ian Evans found himself 11-5 down against Helen Clee and stayed behind until he went 16-15 up. It was nip and tuck then until he scored a two at 20-19 down to win 20.

Steve Faulkner had a close game early on against Dave Price but then went 15-11 down. He then scored four 2s to help him got 20-16 up and win 18.

Ian Gaut was behind early on against Kevin Hall until he went 11-9 up. It was then close till he went 20-15 up before winning 18.

Steve Hendy was 9-3 up on Graham Bleakley but then went 15-10 down. From 20-12 down he managed to run out.

Pete Spragg was 8-2 down on Dave Langford but then went 13-10 up. He then trailed 15-13 but managed to then run out.

Keith Pessall was 10-3 down against John Clarke but battled back to be 13-10 behind. John then went 17-14 up but Keith ran out.

Bill Grainger was 5-0 down early on against Dave Kilford but got back to 12 across and ran out.

Louise Cotton was always ahead on Mick Thompson racing 18-5 up and winning 9.

Preliminary Round

Helen Clee was 10-3 ahead of Tony Roche and then 17-11 up. Tony did get back to 19-16 down but then Helen got the two she needed.

Ian Evans was 14-4 up on Dave Oldcorn and maintained this lead to win 8.

Steve Faulkner raced 16-0 up on Mick Jones before Mick did get some shots back but Steve won 10.

Dave Price was 7-2 up on Dave Brown and then 14-4. Brown tried to come back but Price finished it off 14.