Category: Monday Merit
Monday Night Merit Finals Review
Mick Jones added to his trophy collection with the Monday Night Merit after beating Steve Watkins in the final 21-12. He went 11-3 up on a round peg from the clubhouse corner and Steve couldn’t put more than two scoring ends together to get back at him. In the Semi Finals Mick defeated Michael Furness… Continue reading Monday Night Merit Finals Review
Monday Night Merit Finals Preview
The finals of the Monday Night Merit takes place tonight at Wrockwardine Wood at 7.15 p.m with 8 players looking to put their name on the trophy for the first time. Former County President Mick Jones will look to add this trophy to his collection, and last year’s Division Four Averages winner takes on Stuart… Continue reading Monday Night Merit Finals Preview
Monday Night Merit Finals Draw
The draw for the finals of the Monday Night Merit at Wrockwardine Wood Old Green at 7.15 p.m. is as follows: 1 Steve Watkins Des Conneely 2 Eric Reynolds Abi Helliwell 3 Stuart James Mick Jones 4 Stefan Whitehouse Michael Furness
Monday Night Merit Finals Details
The Monday Night Merit finals will take place on Saturday 6th July on Wrockwardine Wood Old Green at 7.15 p.m. after the England game at 5 p.m. If there is extra time then potentially we could delay till 7.30 p.m. but am wary of a late night if we go any later! The 8 qualifiers… Continue reading Monday Night Merit Finals Details
Monday Night Merit Qualifying Review
We now have our 8 finalists for the 2024 Monday Night Merit on Saturday 6th July. At the Bowring it was Division 4 Averages Winner Mick Jones who got through by beating Chris Pritchard 18 and Chris Taylor 15. Two Sir John Bayley players got through. Steve Watkins beat Tim Childs 6 and Jamie Pritchard… Continue reading Monday Night Merit Qualifying Review
Monday Night Merit Qualifiers Preview
The Monday Night Merit qualifying takes place tonight with 34 players chasing the 8 tickets to finals day on Saturday 6th July. The headline player is former County President Mick Jones, who won the Division Four Averages last season, and takes part at the Bowring. The experienced Chris & Lee Taylor are also there, along… Continue reading Monday Night Merit Qualifiers Preview
Monday Night Merit Qualifying Fields
Please find below the qualifying fields for the Monday Night Merit. These take place on Monday 24th June at 6.30 p.m. There is no dress code. There are 4 qualifiers on each green to make up 8 qualifiers for finals day on Saturday 6th July at 6.30 p.m. Bowring Old Green Player Club Tim Childs… Continue reading Monday Night Merit Qualifying Fields
Monday Night Merit Entries by Tomorrow
The qualifiers for the Monday Night Merit are on Monday 24th June at 6.30 p.m. The last 16 (or 8 if less than 32 entries) will take place on Saturday 6th July at 5.30 or 6.30 p.m. Entries need to be in by the end of Monday 17th June. Entry is £3 and invoiced at… Continue reading Monday Night Merit Entries by Tomorrow
Monday Night Merit Entries
The qualifiers for the Monday Night Merit are on Monday 24th June at 6.30 p.m. The last 16 (or 8 if less than 32 entries) will take place on Saturday 6th July at 5.30 or 6.30 p.m. Entries need to be in by the end of Monday 17th June. Entry is £3 and invoiced at… Continue reading Monday Night Merit Entries