All Change?

A brand new competition this year for bowlers in the lower of the League is set for lift-off next week.

The Monday Merit, a singles knockout for bowlers playing primarily for teams in divisions 4-5-6, is up for approval at the League’s AGM on Monday 30th January.

And delegates at the meeting at Wellington’s Sir John Bayley Club (7pm) will also vote on proposals to streamline the management of the League with fewer meetings during the playing season.

Moves to tweak the handicaps for the main team knockout, the Harris Cup, now that it is 10-a-side, are on the agenda, along with a Hadley USC bid to stop registered Premier League bowlers from competing in the main Senior Merit – even if they play in Mid Shropshire’s Dennis Lewis Thursday Division.

Competition secretary Phil King – now a county senior team selector – is considering his future in the role and Peter Spragg wishes to stand down as veterans inter-league captain.

“The annual meeting itself looks pretty straightforward – the League made a profit on 2022 and we have had good feedback from the annual presentation dinner earlier this month,” said league secretary Malcolm Fletcher.

“As for new teams, the early signs for the coming season are positive.

“I have had an application from Castlefields to join the Thursday Division and have already been contacted about two possible new Friday teams and one on a Monday.

“The next league meeting is due to be an executive gathering on Tuesday 7th March, but there is so much going – like the potential launch of a new Afternoon Division – that we will probably have to call an extra meeting in mid February.”


The AGM to take place on Monday 30th January, 2023, at the Sir John Bayley Club, Wellington, Telford   (TF1 1QX), starting at 7pm

1  Chairman’s opening address – followed by Apologies & In Memoria

2  Minutes of the 2022 AGM

3  Matters arising

4  President’s Report

5  General Secretary’s Report

6  Treasurer’s Report (accounts circulated to clubs with agenda)

6 (a)  Auditor’s Observations

7  Fixture Secretary’s Report

8  Competition Secretary’s Report

9  Proposals for Rule Changes

10 Honoraria for 2023

11 Election of Officers

12 Any Other Business – at the discretion of the chairman 

Note: Each club is entitled to one vote. All decisions shall be by a simple majority. Clubs not represented at the AGM will be fined £5 as per Management rule 6 (e).