AGM In Brief

A new points scoring systems will be introduced in the Monday night divisions this coming season. It’s the same that’s used in the Dennis Lewis Thursday Division, was proposed by Charlton and approved at last night’s AGM by 12 votes to 11 (the same proposal having failed by 1 vote last year!)

The updated Competition Rules, inclusive of proposed new comps to be launched in 2025, were nodded through – but all other rule change proposals, including Sinclair’s bid to introduce 11-a-side fixtures in division 1 on Fridays, were all rejected.

A surplus of £1,811 was made on last year after match fees rose by 10p to 60p across the board, allowing nearly £8,000 to be paid out in prize money at the presentation evening, which looks poised to get a radical change of approach.

At least 2 new teams are set to compete in the main Friday divisions this year – Stockton and Donnington Wood – and Albrighton have applied to join the Denis Lewis Thursday Division, which might have to be split into 2 if there are no withdrawals.

The deadline for new team applications or notification of team withdrawals is 48 hours before the March executive meeting on Tuesday the 4th . . .ie the Sunday evening.

All officers prepared to stand were re-elected with Rob Burroughs succeeding Steve Wall as webmaster. But the post of vice-chairman went unfilled and the League needs to appoint a second county delegate to be on standby as cover and also a senior inter-league team captain.