Up To Clubs!

Honouring those who have served the League and its clubs with distinction is high on the agenda of the July executive meeting on Tuesday the 2nd at the Bayley Club.

Clubs have been asked to nominate people they feel should be awarded life membership of the MSBL at a meeting that will also feature competition and sponsorship updates, a Shropshire inter-league round-up and feedback from the latest county executive meeting (see agenda below).

Meanwhile, all the Senior Merit finals night questions posed in the last News post were answered emphatically by reigning champion John Breeze – see the competition secretary’s report on a separate post below.

John is pictured with sponsor Mike Humphries after a great night at Broseley, watched by a big crowd – even until the 11.20pm finish!

 Agenda for the July 2024 Executive Committee Meeting

To be held on Tuesday 2nd July at Sir John Bayley Club at 7.30pm

1  Chairman’s remarks to open the meeting

2 (a) Apologies

  (b) In Memoria –including Life Members Barry Griffiths, John Hughes & Ron Adams

3  Minutes of the April Management Committee Meeting

4  Matters arising

5  General Secretary’s report

6  Correspondence

7  Fixture Secretary’s report

8  Competition Secretary’s report

9  Treasurer’s report – including Molson Coors sponsorship update

10 Shropshire inter-leagues round-up

11 Life Members for 2024

12 County matters – report of executive meeting on May 20th

13 Any Other Business

14 President / chairman to close the meeting