Double Date

Competition secretary Rob Burroughs won’t know if he’s coming or going this weekend as he copes with a double header of League events.

First up is the Mid Shropshire Junior Day on Saturday 22nd June at Albrighton from 10am.

Both the Under-18 and Under-15 Merits will be played and the incentive for the League’s young bowlers to enter is that the host club are generously offering free refreshments for all those that compete.

Then 24 hours later Rob will be in charge of the Mixed Doubles at Bridgnorth – having organised the final qualifier in the new £1,000-plus two- bowler team KO at Donnington Wood on the Saturday night!

Rob is pictured presenting the trophy to last year’s Under-18 Merit winner Dan Corbett – and for full details of how to enter both of the League comps, and the fees involved, please see separate posts below from the organiser.

League life member But Bob Mumford will be almost as busy as Rob as he promotes the Olympian Society’s ladies and men’s singles on Saturday and their own mixed doubles on Sunday, entries having now closed for both.

Unfortunately, the sad news keeps coming on the passing of Mid Shropshire stalwarts, first Sid Poole of Bowring and just this week Donnington Wood legend Graham Gaut, who died in New Zealand aged 87.