Exec Update

Fixture secretary John Palmer was in the spotlight at the League’s July executive meeting.

He reported that, due to performance issues, Mike Beckett has set up a second results service and moved the League’s results to it.

The new address is bowlsresultstwo.co.uk and all the links on this site have been changed to reference it. If you have any bookmarks saved which use the old address bowlsresults.co.uk please change them.

John also asked all member clubs to conduct a review of their registrations and named players now we are at the halfway point of the season, stressing that any future signings, now that the deadline had passed, would need the approval of the officers.

He said there had been 130 new bowlers registered with the League to date this year- and 90 of them had played in a fixture.

Prompted by a request by Madeley Cricket Club, the offices have looked into the matter of green fees for clubs hosting League events and find that it is already covered!

Competition Rule 10 states: Any Club that hosts a competition final or qualifier, or a cup final, will be paid a green fee of £10. This fee will only be paid if the green has been prepared for play on the day.

This rule will be applied from this year onwards in the light of the extra costs member clubs are facing.

Talking of competitions, a new Thursday Division Merit will be launched in August with sponsorship fom June Lewis, wife of the late Dennis Lewis, the former League chairman that the Thursday night divison is named after.

And if all 32 places at £10 are taken it could have a £450 total prize fund. See Competition News for details.

Trench and Edgmond have entered the second Shropshire Best Kept Green Competition and it is Trench, who will celebrate their centenary on August Bank Holiday Sunday, who will host the annual ladies versus gents challenge match for the Dave Ellis Shield at the end of the season.

St Georges have been asked to host the Shropshire junior inter-league championship on their 2 greens on Sunday 10th September.

Allscott Heath greenkeeper George Groucott won the 2023 Shropshire Unsung Hero award and is PICTURED receiving if from County President Mick Jones

It looks like George is going to have keep the old green going for the rest of the current season as club sec Bob Kendall reported that the move across the road to the new 2 green site wouldn’t be until this winter.