More & Less!

2022 to 2023 written on wooden blocks.

 Less meetings and more action is the plan for the League next year.

Poor attendances at meetings held during the 2022 playing season has led   League officers to propose a new executive committee structure to be launched next year.

The idea will need to be seconded at a management committee meeting on Tuesday 6th December at Wellington’s Sir John Bayley Club (7.30pm stdart) before it can go before the league’s AGM on January 30.

A seconder will also be needed at the meeting for a proposed new singles competition for bowlers who play primarily in divisions 4-5-6 – the Monday Divisions Merit – that is to be put before delegates for approval.

Other agenda items include progress on launching a new Afternoon Division next season and an update on trophies and bookings for the return of the annual presentation dinner on January 21.


1  Chairman’s remarks to open the meeting

2  Apologies & In Memoria

3  Minutes of the November Management Committee Meeting

4  Matters arising

5  General Secretary’s report

6  Correspondence

7  Competition Secretary’s report – all trophies MUST be returned by this meeting

8  Treasurer’s report  

9  Fixture Secretary’s report  

10 Rule change proposals for 2023 AGM  

11 New Afternoon Division in 2023?

12 Annual Dinner update – Saturday 21st January 2023 at The West Stand @ TUFC (enter off Haybridge Road, Wellington)

13 County matters –report of executive meeting on 21st November at Sinclair

14 Any Other Business

15 President / chairman to close the meeting


Payment for all extra bookings at the League’s annual presentation dinner MUST BE PAID FOR AT THIS MEETING (£25 adults, £15 juniors).Any club not sure of what they owe should contact organiser Margaret Fletcher on 01952-771134. This meeting is also the last chance to pre-order wine (white, red or rose) at the discounted price of £14 a bottle. Orders will then need to be paid for on the night – when it is CASH ONLY FOR EVERYTHING!

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: AGM on Monday 30th January at SJBC at 7pm