Club Views

Plans for the League to launch a new Afternoon Division next year are gathering momentum.

The idea of a six-a-side division for bowlers of all ages, and played on either Tuesdays or Thursdays afternoons (1.30pm start), is the brainchild of Steve Wall, the vice-chairman of the League.

Other leagues who have matches or competitions on those afternoons have been contacted to keep them in the loop and member clubs are now starting to express their views – both at the December meeting and after it.

ALBRIGHTON feel that the proposed afternoon division for 2023 season provides a lot of opportunity for new bowlers to experience league bowling.

“Therefore we would like to register our intent to enter a team into the afternoon division . . . and we may have enough for 2 teams if we get a few more at our registration weekend in January,” said a club spokesman.

MADELEY CRICKET CLUB BC would definitely be able to put a team in a Thursday afternoon league – possibly two teams – according to secretary Terry French.

Keith Pessall has sounded out SIR JOHN BAYLEY’s senior citizens at their AGM to see if they might be interested.

EDGMOND & NEWPORT say they would prefer Thursdays while ALLSCOTT HEATH, who are admittedly lukewarm about the proposal, would prefer Tuesdays.

HIGHLEY then emailed the day after the meeting to say they would want to enter 1 team and could play on either afternoon as their green was free.

But WORFIELD bowlers have shown no interest so far.  Secretary Doug Russell said: “If this does change I will be in touch. I think the fact we are involved in leagues on Mondays (Telford Ladies), Tuesdays (Highley), Wednesdays (Seniors) and Friday (Mid Shropshire) using most of the same members means we will struggle to find enough interest.”

League fixture sec John Palmer pointed out that the Mid Shropshire Senior Citizens League had used 12 Thursday afternoons for various comps in the 2022 so space in the bowls calendar was limited . . .