AGM & 2023

On a light background, a white notebook with are words AGM Annual General Meeting and a pen.

The AGM of the League will be on Monday 30th January 2023, starting at 7pm in the Wellington’s Sir John Bayley Club.

That date should give those who attend the League’s annual presentation dinner on Saturday 21st January at the West Stand @ TUFC plenty of time to recover (see previous post for full details and how to book a place)

The annual meeting is when the countdown to a new season begins in earnest, with rule change proposals to be voted on, accounts to be approved, officers to elect, honoraria agreed etc etc.

But as the countdown to the AGM starts, this is what the officers revealed as their plans for 2023 at the October executive meeting:

Fridays in 2023 – Survey results inconclusive. Officers would dearly like to see at least division one return to 12-a-side fixtures but, in light of the survey and many strong views expressed by current first division clubs, they are reluctant to risk any proposals that could lead to more teams withdrawing.

The League simply cannot afford that, so the officers WILL NOT be putting forward any proposals on the matter to the AGM in January.

But that DOES NOT STOP member clubs making proposals before the October 31 deadline. They would require a seconder at the December meeting and must take into account ALL rules that would need to be changed to accommodate their proposal.

But the League’s officers will review the numbers per side position on Fridays again at the end of next season, when hopefully the economic crisis will have least stabilised.

Post Match Food – Officers are eager to encourage all club teams to provide refreshments in 2023 to encourage the return to the vital social side of the game. But it will remain an individual club choice.

Clubs that WILL NOT be putting on food will be asked to inform the League before the 2023 season starts and a new section will be put on the website so that bowlers know they are in for an early finish when the fixture is over.

Rule changes – The usual review will be carried out by officers this autumn but one key change they want to see is for the Harris Cup, as it is now 10-a-side. All Premier League sides that enter will be ask to give 15 shots (plus their placings addition) rather than 20 shots.

New registration fees set-up – Clubs to only pay 25p for bowlers who actually played that season, rather than all those registered on the Mike Beckett system

Less Meetings – May, June & September meetings to be replaced by newsletters emailed to clubs and then posted on website, with link from Facebook. But officers will retain the right to call a meeting if they feel one is needed.

New Officers – Phil King considering stepping down as comps sec and vice-chairman Steve Wall happy to step down so that an eventual successor to current chairman can be shown the ropes. Minute sec Rob Burroughs to help with other duties as there will be less meetings

Monday Merit – new competition for bowlers who ONLY play on Monday nights. There were 270 of them in 2022 so there should be some kind of interest. It would have to be based on the previous season’s appearances. Entry just £5 to encourage at least 16 entries?

New Afternoon Division – further consultation on the proposal is to be made with clubs. But officers feel there is a demand for a 6-a-side division for all ages on either Tuesday or Thursday afternoons, starting a 1.30pm.