Double Boost

The League is delighted to announce agreeing a second new sponsorship deal in just two months.

Hot on the heels of the £100 per annum two-year deal agreed with Local Print Pros thanks to Steve Reeves, we now have Shropshire Vertidrain & Turf Services Ltd on board too.

Directors and well know bowlers, Mike Humphries and Paul Beer, are going to sponsor this year’s Mid Shropshire Senior Merit by adding £100 to boost the prize money and an additional £25 for the highest break on finals day.

Said Paul: “We would like to see some return with bowling clubs using a local business such as ours in their end of season renovations and planned maintenance work they have.

“All clubs call on volunteers so much these days and it is increasingly hard to get the helpers at the right time. We are here to help.”

Mike and (right) Paul are PICUTRED presenting their cheque to League President Mike Potter at the February meeting, after the company received the sincere thanks of the League and its clubs.

And here’s a round-up from that meeting:

The League’s AGM is on Tuesday 8th March at SJBC (7pm start) when the key votes will be on 12 or 10-a-side matches on Friday nights, registered 8s or 6s and allowing bowlers to double up.

Once those decisions have been taken – and the votes look like being close so attendance at the annual meeting will be vital – clubs will have until midnight on Saturday 12th March, to inform the fixture secretary who succeeds Ric Hudson how many teams they will be entering on Fridays, Mondays and in the Dennis Lewis Thursday Division.

The aim is to return as close as possible to the pre-pandemic divisional set-up of 2019 – clubs need to bear this in mind when making their decisions – and publish this year’s fixtures well before the April meeting on Tuesday the 5th.

But clubs will NOT be able to make any changes to their player registrations on the website until the first set of fixtures for 2022 go live.

Provided the Friday divisions remain strong in terms of numbers, the aim is to start the division 1-2-3 season on Friday 8th April

The early good news in terms of teams is that Prince of Wales Hotel plan to carry on in the Thursday Division and Wrockwardine Wood have applied to field a second team in the unique 8-a-side division named in memory of former League chairman Dennis Lewis.

On the personnel front, former fixture secretary and chairman Steve Wall is willing to stand as vice-chairman as Dave Evans stands down, but a vote will be needed to see who the clubs want to serve them with regards to the fixtures.

Bylet stalwart John Palmer has put his name forward to follow his father Jim into a key role with the League, while current minutes secretary Rob Burroughs and county delegate Martin Gaut are making a joint bid.

Other things to bear in mind . . . 2022 Club Info Sheets need completed and returned by the AGM at the latest please; orders for scorecards (£12 per 1,000 last year) and captain’s books (75p last year) are needed by at the AGM, to  be distributed at the April meeting on Tuesday the 5th

The League made a profit of £436 on 2021 – and that’s without the £42.50 the now folded Elephant & Castle have returned after the League granted that amount to all member clubs in 2020 to try and help them get through the pandemic.

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Sad Start

There will be a poignant start to the League’s management meeting on Tuesday 22nd February at Wellington’s Sir John Bayley Club (7.3pm).

The sad news of the passing of former League chairman Richard Chesters will be relayed to delegates – and a minute’s silence will be held in his memory and that of other bowlers lost since the last meeting ‘in person’ in December.

Richard, who was chairman in 1990, was widely known as Mr Edgmond, having been secretary of the village club since 1978. He died following a long illness on Tuesday 15th February.

League president Mike Potter said: “Richard was one of those true gents of our game and will be sorely missed, both as a deserving and acknowledged Life Member of the Mid Shropshire League – an honour awarded in 2019 – and by his many friends of his beloved club, Edgmond.

“Our thoughts are with Richard’s family at this most difficult of times.”

The meeting is aimed at touching bases with member clubs and to let them know what is expected of them at an AGM packed with key votes on March 8 and the ‘number of teams’ deadlines that will follow.


1  Chairman’s remarks to open the meeting

2  Apologies & In Memoria

3  Minutes of the December Management Committee Meeting

4  Matters arising

5  General Secretary’s report

6  Correspondence

7  Fixture Secretary’s report – registering bowlers for 2022 season

8  Treasurer’s report

9  Competition Secretary’s report – all trophies won in 2019 need returning

10 Plans for 90th Anniversary

11 2022 AGM update – including a refresh of rule change proposals (attached) & a Life Members ceremony proposal

12 Early deadlines – for Club Info Sheets & scorecard and captain’s books orders

13 County matters – executive report from 10th Jan & AGM preview for 7th March @ Wem USC

14 Any Other Business

15 President / chairman to close the meeting

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – League’s 2022 AGM on Tuesday 8th March at SJBC at 7pm

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All Change

Change is as good as a rest they say – and who knows what the League’s divisional structure will look like for this coming season, or how many bowlers per side will be playing in fixtures.

The big decisions will be made at the AGM on Tuesday 8th March, which will be followed by a deadline for member clubs to let the League know how many teams they will be entering on Fridays and Mondays – and in the Dennis Lewis Thursday Division.

But one change is certain . . . the web address for Mike Beckett’s Results System is changing from to

All the links that I’m aware of on this site have been changed accordingly but if you have any that you’ve bookmarked, you’ll have to amend them.

Meanwhile, clubs and their bowlers continue to countdown to the 2022 campaign with their ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS, with the following dates (with venues) coming up:

Sunday 20th February – Maddocks BC at the Social Club in the evening.

Tuesday 22nd February – Bylet BC at their clubhouse in the evening.

Thursday 24th February – Shifnal BC in the evening.

Friday 25th February – Bowring  BC at the clubhouse, 7.30pm.

Friday 25th February – St Georges BC AGM and signing on night at the Sports & Social club, 7pm.

Friday 25th February – Trench BC AGM and signing on night at the clubhouse, 7.30pm.

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AGM Time!

Slowly, but surely, bowls clubs and their members are coming out of hibernation, hopefully in positive mood and eager to shrug off 2 years of Covid blues.

The League is certainly taking a positive approach to the forthcoming 2022 campaign, having called a meeting to touch bases with club officials on Tuesday 22nd February ahead of what will be a vital AGM on Tuesday 8th March.

And on the subject of ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS, the following clubs have now publicised their dates and venues:

Tuesday 15th February – Wrockwardine Wood BC at Wrockwardine Wood & Trench Social Club (48 Gibbons Rd, Telford, TF2 7JP), starting at 7.15pm.

Wednesday 16th February – Much Wenlock BC at the town’s Methodist Church (7pm).

Sunday 20th February – Maddocks BC at the Social Club in the evening.

Tuesday 22nd February – Bylet BC at their clubhouse in the evening.

Thursday 24th February – Shifnal BC in the evening.

Friday 25th February – Bowring  BC at the clubhouse, 7.30pm.

Friday 25th February – St Georges BC AGM and signing on night at the Sports & Social club, 7pm.

Friday 25th February – Trench BC AGM and signing on night at the clubhouse, 7.30pm.

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Time To Roll!

The local case numbers may remain stubbornly high but, with Covid restrictions now eased, the League’s officers feel it’s the right time to crack on with the countdown to the 2022 season.

That means a re-launch of ‘in person meetings’ – starting with a management meeting on Tuesday 22nd February at the Sir John Bayley Club (7.30pm), where both private rooms have been booked to give us the space for delegates to feel as safe as possible.

The aim of this meeting is to touch bases with all member clubs – and let them know what the League expects from them at the AGM in March, plus the ‘how many teams on which nights’ deadlines that will follow very soon after it.

Annual General Meeting night will be Tuesday 8th March, again using both rooms at the Bayley but starting at 7pm. That’s when key votes on playing numbers for fixtures for the forthcoming season will be taken.

Then we’ll give clubs a little time before the ‘number of teams’ deadline.

And given that I have received interest in both posts, there may also need to be AGM votes on who succeeds Ric Hudson as fixture secretary and David Evans as vice-chairman.

But I must stress there is still time for more nominations to the general secretary – and then the clubs can decide who they want!

The meat on the bones to this plan will be given at the February meeting – and there are already lots of reasons to be positive about 2022 . . . this new website launched, sponsorship deals in the pipeline, new people interested in taking on League roles about to become vacant  and a 90th birthday to celebrate.

We even made a small profit on last year! Floreat Mid Shropshire!

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Welcome Aboard!

Welcome, one and all, to the League’s bright, new and more user friendly website.

Sincere thanks go to webmaster Steve Wall for his work on this project, completed in under a week. In effect the website has moved platforms from Google Sites to WordPress, but retraining the domain name of

There are still tweaks to be made, including the ability to view minutes of meetings that have been passed as a true record, and other improvements officers want to see – so please bear with us.

For now though, welcome aboard and enjoy!

Just a couple of reminders . . . the League’s AGM, scheduled to have been on Monday 17th January and in person at SJBC, has been postponed due to the latest wave of positive Covid cases.

The plan now, based on the prediction that the current spike will pass quite quickly, is to organise an ordinary management committee meeting in mid February, probably via Zoom, to touch bases with member clubs.

At this meeting we would look to set a firm date for an in person AGM, which your officers feel is vital ahead of the 2022 season given the votes on rule change proposals that have to be made.

And to finish with some good news, Molson Coors have finally confirmed that the £300 sponsorship deal, agreed for the pandemic curtailed 2021 season, will be paid at the end of the current quarter, when talks on a new deal for 2022 will begin.

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AGM Off – For Now

I’m sure it won’t come as a big surprise but, in the light of the latest Covid wave, the League’s officers have decided to postpone the AGM that was scheduled to be on Monday 17th January and in person at SJBC.

Officials of member clubs have already been contacted direct with this news, but the reasons to cancel became overwhelming in the last few days.

And given that clubs will be asked to vote on playing numbers for the forthcoming season at the AGM, it makes sense to put it back to the date of the normal March executive (Tuesday the 1st) – at the earliest!

The plan now, based on the prediction that this current spike in positive cases will peak and pass quite quickly, is to organise an ordinary management committee meeting in mid February, probably via Zoom, to touch bases with member clubs.

At this meeting we would look to set a firm date for an in person AGM, which your officers feel is vital ahead of the 2022 season.

I hope you all understand and agree with this move – we just know clubs cannot make important decisions without having a much better idea of how many they are going to have bowling for them this year.

Malcolm Fletcher – general secretary

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New Year – New Faces

At the dawn of 2022, the League’s officers would like to wish all MSBL bowlers, their families and friends a very happy New Year.

Everyone hopes we will be able to get back to some kind of pre-pandemic normal, but there remains doubt as to what the new Covid variant might have in store for – although the early signs are thankfully hopeful.

What is not in doubt is that there is a need for new faces on the team that runs the League in 2022.

For Fixture Secretary Ric Hudson and Vice-Chairman David Evans have informed the general secretary that they will not be standing for election at the League’s AGM – whenever it is held.

Many of you will have read in the Christmas message on this website that the League’s officers are monitoring the Covid situation very closely with a view to making plans for 2022.

And they will be making a decision before next weekend as to whether the AGM goes ahead in person on Monday 17th January, is held virtually that night or even delayed a little.

Given the rule change proposals that are due to be voted on at the annual meeting, a delay would give clubs more time to assess playing numbers for a forthcoming season that is scheduled to start in April.

Member clubs will be kept informed directly by email of any firm decisions, but for now, keep safe and here’s sending everyone very best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.

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Potential Presents


Delegates of member clubs were given plenty to think about over the festive period at the League’s December management meeting.

The last meeting of 2021 ended with a presentation by Chris Child and Amy Ruffell-Hazell of Energize, outlining the exiting potential of a new £3.5m Sport England funding opportunity in the West Midlands linked to the 2022 Commonwealth Games. It’s called Places & Spaces ( and is a crowdfunding programme with awards up to £10,000 match funding for projects.

It is capital based, so anything facility or fixed fittings will be considered, and requires setting up and coordinating on the online Crowdfunder page.

More potential good news for clubs is that the League has agreed a two-year sponsorship of a new website that is being designed – worth £100 per annum – with Local Print Pros.

And the Telford-based company is offering clubs things like low cost embroidery; good turnaround flexibility, local drop off and collection; individual club and team sponsorship.

Said Streve Reeves of the company: “Any club signing up to our Team Page will receive: Free Embroidery Setup; a dedicated Team Page hosted on our website, where players can individually purchase the club’s playing shirts, showerproofs, jumpers, fleeces etc whatever the club chooses to list on there; £1 off every garment in exchange for our logo on the arm of garments brought.

“If anyone has any questions they are welcome to email me [email protected]

Other points from the meeting – numerous League trophies won in 2019 still need returning to comps sec Phil King;

DBS renewals or applications in 2022 to be done via Zoom on February 12 or 26;

Big Bowls Weekend 2022 will be between May 27 and 29;

3 new Life Members will be inducted at the AGM on Monday 17th January.

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Early Cracker

It promises to be a cracking December management committee meeting on Tuesday the 7th.

For besides the ordinary League business to be dealt with, the meeting should end on a real pre-Christmas high.

A team from Energize led by Chris Child will be attending to talk about improving Bowls Facilities (and they will be more than happy to talk to club officials about grants etc etc after the meeting)

Their slot on the agenda will be followed by a development and coaching update from SCGBA officer Pauline Wilson, who is eager to get even more clubs taking part in the second Big Bowls Weekend in 2022.

And potential League sponsor Local Print Pros will be represented by Steve Reeves to outline what deals they can also off toe member clubs in terms of clothing, sings, logos etc etc

So League officers are urging clubs to do their utmost to be represented on Tuesday – when all trophies won in 2019 should be returned to Phil King please


1  Chairman’s remarks to open the meeting

2 Apologies & In Memoria

3 Minutes of the November Management Committee Meeting 

4 Matters arising

5 General Secretary’s report

6 Correspondence

7 Treasurer’s report 

8 Competition Secretary’s report – all trophies MUST be returned before / at this meeting

9 Fixture Secretary’s report 

10 Rule Change Proposals for 2022 AGM – see attached

11 Planning for 2022 and the League’s 90th Anniversary

12 County matters – report from executive meeting on 15th November


13 Bowls Facility Development – Chris Child & his Energize team

14 County Development & Coaching – Pauline Wilson

15 Any Other Business

16 President / chairman to close the meeting

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 2022 AGM on Monday 17th January at SJBC at 7pm

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