Now & 2023

Tuesday’s July Executive meeting is vital for this current season – and the 2023 campaign

The gathering at SJBC on Tuesday the 5th is the cut-off date for the straightforward registering of new players – and fixture secretary John Palmer has informed all clubs that management league rule 5 states:

“No further registration of players shall be made by clubs after the July meeting of the Executive Committee. Clubs may apply for registration in writing after this date, but it must be approved by the Management/Executive Committee.”

And even though the current season is only at the halfway stage, clubs in the League will be asked starting thinking about the 2023 campaign at the meeting, including a possible return to 12-a-side fixtures on Friday nights (see agenda below).

Both Mid Shropshire teams lost their Shropshire senior inter-league championship quarter-finals on Saturday 25th June.

MSBL A paid for a poor start and lost by just 5 shots to Whitchurch B at Old Shrewsbury (No.2 green) while MSBL B struggled on the newer green at  Donnington Wood and bowed out against Premier League Blue.

For full scores see:


1  Chairman’s remarks to open the meeting

2  Apologies & In Memoria

3  Minutes of the June Management Committee Meeting

4  Matters arising

5  General Secretary’s report & Correspondence

6  Fixture Secretary’s report

7  Competition Secretary’s report

8  Treasurer’s report – £15 raffle prizes for annual dinner?

9  Inter-league round-up

10 Best Kept Green competition

11 County matters – report from executive meeting on 4th July

12 Preparing for 2023 – letter from John Lumsden

13 Any Other Business

14 President / chairman to close the meeting

Please note Management Rule 6 (e) Any Club failing to send a representative to the Annual General or Executive Meeting shall be fined £5.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – management on Tuesday 6th September at SJBC at 7.30pm