Extra Helping!

The lack of monthly League meetings has been new this season, but that will change in September.

Officers have decided they need to call member clubs together to discuss so many things that have cropped up since the July executive meeting.

But they have opted call an extra meeting on a Wednesday to avoid fixture clashes the night before!

So a management meeting of the MSBL will be held on Wednesday 13th September at Bowring BC, starting at 7.30pm.

High on the agenda will be making plans for the annual presentation dinner – which has been pencilled in for Saturday 20th January 2024 at the West Stand @ TUFC.

By holding this meeting and agreeing a menu etc, before the playing season ends, officers feel that clubs will be able to get round their members to organise numbers etc etc

There is also player conduct, prize money levels, inter-league championships, the Dave Ellis ladies v gents challenge match, more rule change proposals and the resignation of an officer to talk about on 13th September.

And, having called an extra meeting, which is vital that clubs attend, there will be no Newsletter No. 3 published for August.

On the playing front, Trench celebrated their centenary in style on Sunday 27th August, at the end of which a Mid Shropshire Select team defeated a Mike Potter All Stars side in a 16-a-side match . . . by all of 1 chalk!

The day before Sinclair duo Harry Church and John Potter were celebrating too as they won the Dixon Driscoll Doubles at Edgmond – see Competition News.